Invest into the future of gospel ministries

The Gospel Generations Trust exists to provide financial support for ministry training at Christ Church Mayfair

‘Then he said to his disciples, "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the LORD of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”Mathew 9:37-38

Since the founding of Christ Church Mayfair in 2001, dozens of men and women have completed their internship training at CCM. Ministry interns are a great practical blessing to the church, but the primary aim of training interns is for them to go and serve the Lord elsewhere in the future. Ministry interns typically spend one to two years working alongside church staff, gaining valuable experiences serving in all kinds of gospel ministries such as:

  • Gain deep convictions of the necessity of word ministry

  • Be trained in the fundamental principles and skills of various Gospel ministries

  • Develop an appreciation of personal strengths and weaknesses, so to best position themselves in future ministries or trainings that is best suited in their gifts

On completion many choose to continue doing full time ministry in the UK or overseas. Others will go on to academic training or continue integrating their faith in the workplace.

Let’s hear it from our intern

CLASS OF 2023 - 2024

Martin’s Story

I'm Martin and this year I've been a Ministry Intern at CCM. Having been raised near Milton Keynes, I embarked on moving to London to study at Imperial College, before heading to study in Birmingham for a year as well. I loved my time as a student at CCM as I was faithfully taught how good knowing Jesus really was! I wanted to come back and give this year to serve God and his church. This year has been fantastic in getting a taste for ministry in many different ways, from sharpening skills in leading Bible studies for students and youth, getting alongside students one-to-one, and honing skills in giving talks from God's Word! It's really been useful training and growth for discipling students and youth of whom I'd love to continue serving next year!

Partner with us

The most desperate need of our world is the training and deployment of workers to proclaim the Gospel that saves people from hell for heaven for eternity. We are therefore asking you to consider supporting the Gospel Generations Trust so that we can continue to equip and send more young men and women into Gospel ministry.